MAR 06 | update #4

LIGHT Concert tour

Weekly updates from the team

Dear Friends,

After last week’s concert in Visalia, we took off to LA, where we only had one event (for some divine reason) on Sunday, March 3rd. So, we thoroughly enjoyed our time with our dear hostess (with the mostest!) and were able to regather some energy and health. On Sunday we presented our program at “Sojourners”, a Sunday School fellowship (among many) in Grace Community Church. We were thrilled to see around 450 people, some of whom came from all across the globe to participate in the Shepherds Conference. Glory to God!

Last night (March 5th) was our final concert in Las Vegas. It wasn’t the biggest group we’d had along the way, but the one with the most familiar faces, especially for our dear Becky. Just before people started coming, we prayed over the event and the various aspects of it, and mostly for the people not only to give but also receive. It was a delight to share the presentation one last time and see people’s faces react in empathy, understanding, and resolution. We continue to pray for the Holy Spirit to move all those who heard what we had to share into obedience - whatever that will look like for each individual.

Some of the details: We have traveled over 2,500 miles (4,023 km) across 4 states and ministered in 12 different churches; We’ve been graciously hosted in 10 different homes and made friends in so many places - our hearts overflow with gratitude! While the schedule has been demanding, the Lord in His love and grace kept us in unity (and harmony, pun intended:), in good spirit, and prayer.

Becky organized a daily “LIGHT” themed devotional for us, and on most days we were able to have a few moments of reading God’s Word together and fellowshipping in prayer. Carolyn made sure we were all wonderfully fed (both physically and spiritually), Paul provided stories galore, Dustin and Susan made sure we were intellectually stimulated, and Jael - Jael made sure everyone stayed focused and on track.


First and foremost to our Father in Heaven for protecting us each step of the way, and all those who attended the events; We praise God for His favor and grace in reaching the funding goal ($150K); We are grateful for the sweet fellowship among our team along the way, and with everyone we met as well; For seeing old contacts and making new; For what was, and what’s to come.


To the churches who hosted us: In WA: Valley Bible Church, Mid-Valley Baptist, Cheney Community Church, Emmanuel Baptist Church, and Discovery Baptist Church; In OR: Bethany Baptist Church;

In CA: Solid Rock Christian Fellowship, Grace Baptist Church, Orchard Baptist Church, Heart of the Valley, and Sojourners (Grace Community Church); In NV: Oasis Baptist Church.

We are grateful for your hospitality, generosity, and partnership!


To YOU! You’ve been our prayer warrior, our encourager, and our partner in this journey, and we’re grateful for your care and friendship! The more we kept going, the more it became apparent that we were able to complete this mission because so many held us up in prayer and fought alongside us from near and far.

Where do we go from here...?

Many of you have heard about “Connections” - an outreach ministry to Israeli backpackers (outside Israel) that seeks to connect them with intentional follow-up led by local Israeli church members (or “connectors”). In the past decade or two several organizations have established different hosting networks in various countries around the world, and we believe the Lord has drawn our attention to seek out how to be more intentional about that in the Pacific Northwest of the US.

If and when you remember to - please keep us in prayer as we continue pursuing this avenue and all of its potential.

Last but not least… We’d love to hear from you!

If you had a chance to attend one of the concerts and we hadn’t had a chance to meet and you wanted to share a thought or some words - we’d love to hear it. Write us at

Also, as we’re exploring further opportunities with a similar program - please let us know if your church would be willing to host us and the presentation. It would help us tremendously to know how to plan our next steps, and where. We appreciate you and thank God for you.

As this tour has ended, our deep gratitude to the Lord knows no end.

What showers of mercy, what floods of grace, what depths of love in earnest fellowship, and in His embrace. We give Him all the glory, and praise Him forevermore.

Ps. 116: 12, 17:

What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits to me?

I will offer to you the sacrifice of thanksgiving and call on the name of the Lord.

Feb 28 | update #3

LIGHT Concert tour

Weekly updates from the team

Dear friends,

We know it’s been just a little over a week since the last update, but we promise to make it up to you! As we look back to the last week, it’s really hard to even know where to begin. A good place is always giving thanks, and we sure do have a LOT to be grateful for. Solid Rock Christian Fellowship in Crescent City put us up in a place that overlooked the ocean, and God provided spectacular sunsets and picturesque moon scenes that took our breath away. We had a bit of time to explore the Redwoods nearby, and we even got to see a pod of whales! We felt richly and deeply blessed and shared a sweet moment of awe and praise.

Dustin and Susan finally joined us in Redding, where they and Jael took over the program (thank you Paul, Carolyn, and Becky for being amazing and wonderful! And you still are:), we had three back-to-back concerts in Crescent City, Redding, and Vacaville which went well both in terms of attendance and delivery (we debrief and try to improve after each event), we stayed in places that only the Lord could have provided for us, and met people that we struck friendships with that we believe are key to the next steps of this tour.

We kept on mentioning how all of us encountered the word TRUST from different angles, but if there’s another word we’ve been all seeing in action it’s FELLOWSHIP. We’re grateful for Dustin and Susan joining us and adding fun and laughter to the mix, as well as depth, professionalism, and friendship. When setting the tour in motion we knew we’d spend a lot of time in people’s homes, and we spent a lot of time praying for them as well. God in His grace and generosity provided us with moments of sheer joy with brothers and sisters we now love dearly, even though some of us have never met before.

Feb 28 | update #3

WE PRAISE GOD FOR SO MUCH! And wanted to share our joy with you:

  • Health

Jael has fully recovered from the sinus and throat infection, Carolyn has recovered from the cold she caught, Dustin and Susan were able to get over jetlag without developing anything problematic, and praise God Paul and Becky are keeping it together.

  • Safety

We’ve traveled so much, with still some more to go, in 2 vehicles now, but the Lord has shielded us, protected us, and kept our drivers awake and alert! Thank you, Lord, we don’t take that for granted! Also, there has been more security in the events, and we praise God for the safety of all those who came.

  • Heart

We’ve seen and heard so many comments and feedback on the program, how it impacted people deeply, and how there were so many things they didn’t know! This encourages us a lot, and we praise God for the opportunity to serve Him and His people in this way. We also thank Him for the different doors that this tour seems to be opening for future opportunities.

  • Generosity

Are you ready for it? Are you sitting? By the grace of God, and some online giving information we have recently received - we have reached our goal!!! We have prayed together with you for people to open their hearts and respond (also) in giving, and, praise God, they have! We are beyond thankful and can’t express our gratitude to Heavenly Father. THANK YOU!

With hearts delighted, rejoicing, and full of LIGHT, we praise our God, our Heavenly Father who works miracles every day and is faithful to finish what HE set in motion.

“Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and forevermore! From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised!” (Ps. 113:2-3)

Feb 20 | update #2

LIGHT Concert tour

Weekly updates from the team

Hi friends!

The second week of the tour is behind us, and like any good road trip - there’s much to share! We set out towards Lake Stevens on Thursday as we had an event in Snohomish on Friday evening. When embarking on a concert tour, you think about big venues and hundreds if not thousands of attendees. Well, sometimes it is grandiose, and sometimes the Lord takes us on a different kind of journey. We had two events where the attendance was different than what we had hoped for, but as we keep on saying to each other - this is not just the LIGHT tour, but more often than not - the TRUST tour. In Gig Harbor we joined a conference that culminated in the concert, and also in attendance. It was a wonderful delight to share in the enthusiasm of standing with Israel and fellowshipping with dear brothers and sisters. Seems like the Lord enforces this one lesson for us - “you keep walking in obedience, and I’ll see to the numbers” (both of attendees and finances).

The story of Gideon came to mind several times, as our numbers kept on dwindling. Paul and Carolyn’s 9th grandson was due later in March, but the Lord decided that His time to make a first appearance in this world was…. Today!

Feb 20 | update #2

So, on the way to the concert in Salem we dropped Carolyn off at the airport so she could be there for the birth. Praise God for a healthy baby boy, mom, and very happy grandparents.


  • Health

Jael finally regained most of her health and voice (thank you for your ongoing prayers about that!), which makes a big difference for singing, obviously:) Also, for everyone else on the team to stay fit and strong.

  • Safety

We’re driving a lot. Praise God for safe ways through the snow of WA!

Carolyn will be rejoining the team tomorrow (Feb 21), Dustin and Susan will join on the 22nd, and we’ll all be headed down through California in 2 vehicles.

  • Hearts

While some venues have not seen many attendees, we’ve gotten similar responses from most those who did come - they were deeply impacted by the program and moved to pray, give, and stand with Israel. Praise God!

  • Generosity

Many of the people and locations direct the people to give online, so we still don’t have most of the numbers. However, we do know they’re coming in. Pray with us for the goal to be met.

We praise God daily for His LIGHT, and for the wonderful opportunity of ministering together as brother and sisters. “Oh, send out Your light and Your truth! Let them lead me; Let them bring me to Your holy hill And to Your tabernacle.” (Ps. 43:3)

Feb 14 | update #1

LIGHT Concert tour

Weekly updates from the team

Hi everyone!

We wanted to share a few words of update with you all, as the first weekend of concerts is behind us, and the second one is right around the corner. Praise God for safe travels for both Becky and Jael and the rides to different venues.

We’ve had two full concerts on Friday evening in Spokane and on Saturday evening in Wenatchee, and we also invited to briefly share a song and about the tour in a local church in Cheney.

On Friday morning Jael woke up with a throat infection, and that’s after battling a sinus infection all week prior. Our little team already had to pivot several times due to various changes, so this was just one more hurdle we needed to have a huddle and pray about. Jael kept speaking to a minimum, we changed the delivery of the program, and God miraculously provided just enough voice for her to pull off the songs. If you’d have heard her trying to speak that day…. But all of us are extremely focused on trusting that God would lead the way, whatever our obedience needs to look like.

Feb 14 | update #1

We prayed a lot for the people in the churches that would help us set up, and those who would come to the concerts - and God answered our prayers. People commented that they were deeply impacted by the program, and gave generously. At this point, after 5 concerts, we’re nearly at the halfway mark of our 150K goal. Praise God!

Looking ahead, pray with us for:

  • Health

It’s winter season, we’re on the road, circumstances and plans keep on changing… It’s only God who can keep sickness of any kind away.

  • Safety

Winter, especially in Washington state, can get quite wet, or icy. We pray for protection for all of our drives, and for anyone else we’ll be sharing the road with.

  • Hearts

Our biggest prayer is for people who come to the concerts to be impacted by the program so that their hearts are stirred to express their love to God, by loving His people - the people of Israel.

  • Generosity

We pray that as people are impacted by the program, their hearts will respond in generosity.

We praise God daily for His LIGHT, and for allowing us to share in this wonderful opportunity to Love Israel with Grace, Hope, and Truth. All glory to Him.